Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dow Jones Newswires - Libyan rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's regime Sunday recaptured Bin Jawad,

Libyan Rebels Retake Hamlet Of Bin Jawad

7:07a ET March 27, 2011 (Dow Jones)
Libyan Rebels Retake Hamlet Of Bin Jawad

BIN JAWAD, Libya (AFP)--Libyan rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's regime Sunday recaptured Bin Jawad, 
a hamlet 50 kilometers west of the key oil town of Ras Lanuf, AFP correspondents reported.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
03-27-11 0707ETBT201103270015122011-03-27 11:07:00.000018KGH1KQOPKOH5MPEBP45DTV7DJNF

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jjiaamud RT @Libya_United: Revolutionaries proceed easily toward#Sirte #Libya ,it is a turning point.#Gaddafi 've already made it one of his stronghold cities #Feb17
SISMEC profile
SISMEC RT @bungdan: seems clear that qaddafi's pple have pulled back to sirte#libya, predictability. prolly cant counterattack this time.