Comprehensive update from Ajdabiya and Benghazi right now
This post is being constantly updated
All times are in Libyan local time GMT +2
All times are in Libyan local time GMT +2

- Gaddafi forces cornered (with tanks and APC) in Ajdabiya. We spoke to some eyewitness who said that 36th battalion had pushed forward and was able to move closer to the eastern entrance.
- Reports from eyewitnesses are saying that some of the soldiers had defected and fled into the city of Ajdabiya where they changed their clothes to mingle with people and not be detected
- On western gates of Ajdabiya there are no clashes but only an exchange of tank rounds etc to prevent Gaddafi troops from entering
- Southern entrance has witnessed no movement of Gaddafi forces into the city
- Benghazi has not witnessed any pro-Gaddafi troops moving into it, all the neighbouring areas are with the revolutionaries and all the tribes here are raising the independence flag calling for the toppling of Gaddafi. Gaddafi and Saif’s speeches yesterday and today are an attempt from the regime to weaken the resilience of people. It’s psychological and media warfare only. This is also confirmed by Saif trying to scare people saying that everything will end in 48 hours.

- The death count in Misratah today has risen to 11 with 20 injuries reported
- Gaddafi forces attempted to break into Misratah from 3 entrances but that they were pushed back by revolutionaries
- The pro-Gaddafi troops are mainly positioned near the Air force college and they are currently being cornered in that region with the aim of preventing them from killing the civilians mercilessly
- Gaddafi’s troops are using penetrating and burning ammunition that is making the bodies of victims indistinguishable
- Gaddafi tanks have targeted mosques and residential apartments causing damage to a number of them

06:41 Our brothers and sisters in Bahrain are going through a terribly rough time as I type this. With protesters being attacked in Lulu roundabout, we can only pray that God eases your tribulation and gives you patience and steadfastness through these difficult times. Your Libyan brothers and sisters are thinking about you. We are one, or struggle is one, we will endure it as one and we will emerge victorious as one insha’Allah (God-willing)
05:52 Libyans on a totally different level. Never in our lives have we seen people singing and dancing on the battlefield. Libyans know how to squeeze some morale-boosting time in amongst the shelling and flying bullets. There’s always a first! Translation of main chants: From Benghazi from Tripoli, we are siblings from one home. From Derna from Misratah, we are siblings from one home.
05:41 A beautiful supplication made by Mishary Alafassy for the people of Libya. We hope to get a translation up soon.
04:09 The “Tea of Freedom” song that surfaced earlier today. We bring it to you with a translation below the video. Enjoy!
O tea of freedom!
Ya la la la laa lee
O you that is dear to me!
Ya la la la laa lee
Your strength is 100/100!
Ya la la la laa lee
O tea of freedom!
Ya la la la laa lee
Ya la la la laa lee
O you that is dear to me!
Ya la la la laa lee
Your strength is 100/100!
Ya la la la laa lee
O tea of freedom!
Ya la la la laa lee
O traitor of our revolution, off to your grave directly! Hey! Off to your grave directly!
Off to your grave directly!
Off to your grave directly!
Oh you who dirtied our reputation, you wellington boots face! Hey! You wellington boots face!
You wellington boots face!
You wellington boots face!
You who made no one accept our flag! Hey! No one accept our flag!
No one accept our flag!
No one accept our flag!
You who’s killing our family, Ya la la laa lee
In control of our things, ya la la laa lee
You who’s killing our family, Ya la la laa lee
In control of our things, ya la la laa lee
In control of our things, ya la la laa lee
You who’s killing our family, Ya la la laa lee
In control of our things, ya la la laa lee
You who is spreading our wealth, between Chad and Mali, Hey! Between Chad and Mali!
Between Chad and Mali!
Between Chad and Mali!
To your grave directly! To your grave directly! To your grave directly!
03:35 Photo of Pilot Mokhtar Mohammed Osman who crashed his fighter jet into Baab Al Aziziyah today. May God have mercy on your soul my dear brother. I sit here speechless, at awe of what you did, proud of you as my countryman. We will continue till we free our country, every Libyan promises you this 

02:37 Gaddafi gets a broom to the face. I am sure the youth swinging it speaks for billions on this globe
Image sourced from

@al_andros Alex
#libya: We don’t want bread. We want to eat democracy. We want to drink freedom.
should change to “drink tea of freedom.” How sweet it is!
What you gone do with them. You can’t take them out in the open because of air. You can’t use them to fire back can you…………..Do you have the tank people to do it….you can use the machine gun……You can’t be bullsyhhttin trying to have a tank fight. If you find a use, all good……If not,,,,,hold them to throw off a couple of choice rounds and then get rid of them….I might use them to make a shelter. Maybe make craters or obstacles so their tanks can’t encroach…..Hmmmmmm,,,,,If true…….y’all bad as he’ll…………………
How is it they keep getting flanked……………You have got to talk, and have common sense………………People are changing sides as the situation dictates….When you win the rebellion, it will take you back to the right to peaceful protest. It is from there and an informed assessment of the past that a future will be built, that a world will be rebuilt. This aint a sideshow, this is where a better world begins…… I saw it said that gaddafi’s forces were having no problem with individuals in the desert……..I just don’t see that. His commanders would be to insecure about deserters to want his forces to move in small groups….no, some thing they say just don’t make sense. And it seems like al jezeera is taking their word because they don’t have resources with the rebels. It would seem a no-fly zone would include maritime activities as well…..
Long Live Free Libya!