Monday, April 25, 2011

Al-Qaeda Nuclear?

Al-Qaeda Threat of Nuclear Attack Detailed in Guantanamo Files via WikiLeaks

April 25, 2011 10:55 AM EDT
WikiLeaks continues to release “secret” government files to major publishers. It is not yet clear how history will describe Julian Assange’s work to bring government documents into public view. It still seems astonishing that our government systems did not prevent a massive malicious download of documents. The new Guantanamo documents give much information about Al Qaeda and their quest to harm the United States.
WikiLeaks has released many confidential documents about the prisoners at Guantanamo. The documents show details about how some prisoners were eventually found to be innocent, though they were imprisoned for years. However, other prisoners are labeled as “dangerous international terrorists” including about 100 members of Al Qaeda, notes the Telegraph.
The most dangerous prisoner at Guantanamo is the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. The Guantanamo documents state that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed allegedly had “numerous plots for operations targeting the US, its allies, and its interests world-wide,” notes the Telegraph. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed stated that the arrest or killing of Osama bin Laden would result in a “nuclear hellstorm” on the United States and allies.
The WikiLeaks’ documents describe how “A senior Al Qaeda commander claimed that the terrorist group has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will be detonated if Bin-Laden is caught or assassinated,” reports the Telegraph.
The topic of whether Guantanamo should be closed is very controversial. The Guantanamo documents released by WikiLeaks will heat up that debate now. The White House stated that President Obama’s work will lead to “the ultimate closure of the Guantanamo detention facility, consistent with good security practices and our values as a nation,” notes the Los Angeles Times.
Some of the prisoners at Guantanamo may have been water boarded and treated in other ways that also do not fit within the mandates of the Geneva Convention. However, it seems that some prisoners are still speaking out about wanting to destroy America. Will the release of the Guantanamo documents spur new terrorism against the United States?