Monday, April 25, 2011

Even children are not safe during the strife as Gaddafi uses violence to try to maintain power. There are now reports of rapes against children in Misrata, Libya.

Save the Children Reports Gaddafi Militia Raping Children in Libya

April 25, 2011 03:40 PM EDT
comments: 2
The ongoing war crimes in Libya are widespread and horrifying. Even children are not safe during the strife as Gaddafi uses violence to try to maintain power. There are now reports of rapes against children in Misrata, Libya. There are horrible war crimes happening throughout Libya.
The aid organization Save the Children is working in Libya. It has reported that young children, even some of only age 8 have experienced rape and other sexual assaults in Misrata, notes theGuardian.
The agency stated that the youngsters are giving similar details about the attacks and showing signs of stress both physically and emotionally. Some of the sexual assaults of children are said to have occurred in front of family members.
Also, some mothers stated that “a group of girls had been abducted, held hostage for four days and raped, and were unable to speak when they were released,” notes the Guardian. Save the Children cannot confirm the rapes; however, details the children are releasing are consistent. The children are in the midst of chaos. “Children said they saw their fathers murdered and mothers raped.”
Using rape as a war tactic is reprehensible. Children are experiencing unimaginable trauma in Libya.
In some areas of Libya there are also problems with lack of food. Normalcy is long gone for the children in Libya. Gaddafi is an evil dictator. His militia is abusing the people of Libya. The world is hoping Gaddafi will soon be forced out of Libya.
Go to Save the Children to learn more about the work this organization is doing. Children in war torn areas need much help to survive the chaos and regain stability later as they begin to start life anew as the fighting ends.
Children should never be attacked during war. Gaddafi’s regime has a total lack of decency. Step down Gaddafi; you are a disgrace to humanity.