Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cards the Libyan regime threw on the table, like opening the Libyan coast to illegal immigration, destroying the oil infrastructure and threatening open civil war have become realities

The collapse of ’s Jamahiriya is upon us   

The cards the Libyan regime threw on the table, like opening the Libyan coast to illegal immigration, destroying the oil infrastructure and threatening open civil war have become realities the world has to deal with. The regime’s management of this conflict has neutralized whatever political leverage it once possessed. Gadhafi now is entering a phase of political alienation. Countries like Germany that oppose military operations have recognized the Transitional Council. To shake the remaining pillar of support Gadhafi relies upon, the United States is pushing hard to convince African nations to withdraw their diplomatic missions from Tripoli. Gadhafi today seems to be betting on cards he no longer holds. He is hoping, through his resilience to reach a stage where European parliaments will no longer sanction expansion of the Libyan war bill. This is a long shot, considering the difficulties European governments will have to explain that their military has campaign yielded nothing, and given the threat Gadhafi poses to southern European security. Meanwhile, the National Transitional Council is gaining more ground every day and transmitting a message of assurance to those skeptics who fear a Somali model in North Africa once Gadhafi is gone.
18 Jun Favorite Retweet Reply