Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Cara Swift
NATO confirms unmanned helicopter drone has gone down in . But it's not an apache attck helicopter as  State TV is claiming. Libya: Nato deny Gaddafi troops shot down unmanned drone MQ-8B Fire Scout: the type of small helicopter that Nato spokesmen denied that enemy fire had brought down Photo: ALAMY
 News in Libya 

A Nato spokesman denied that enemy fire had brought down the MQ-8B Fire Scout, a small helicopter equipped with cameras and sensors for surveillance flights of naval ships. Contact with it was lost early on Tuesday in Libya's central coastal area. Throughout the day on Tuesday Libyan state television repeatedly broadcast images of what appeared to be aircraft wreckage, including shots of a red rotor and close-ups of markings in English. A spokesman claimed that an Apache ground attack helicopter had been downed in Zlitan, a town 85 miles east of the capital. The Libyan government has repeatedly claimed to have shot down aircraft, including five Apaches, which have been flown by British pilots on ground attack missions since last month.
 News in Libya 





 Jeff Harrington 

 David McKenzie 

 Mitra Mobasherat 

 News in Libya 

 jamal tripoli 

 Libby Spencer 

 G. Alexander 
