This hasn't been talked about very much -- the president's plan for senior citizens is Obamacare," Ms. Bachmann told party activists here. She added, "I think very likely what the president intends is that Medicare will go broke and ultimately that answer will be Obamacare for senior citizens."
Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, the latest candidate to join the Republican presidential campaign, suggested Friday that President Obama secretly wanted Medicare to go bankrupt so retirees would be forced to enroll in the new national health care law.
EWErickson Erick Erickson
Michele Bachmann sets a very high bar at Right Online #RO11 |redstate.com/erick/2011/06/… via @ewerickson
arthurincanada Arthur Phillips
michellemalkin Michelle Malkin
With Michele Bachmann at #ro11. Liberal nightmare M&M:yfrog.com/klrwjaj
JohnFugelsang John Fugelsang
I've just landed in the state that managed to produce both Dylan andBachmann.
TheHolyAtheist Stevie Ray Fromstein
Michelle Bachmann has her doubts about evolution, which feeds my doubts about #MichelleBachmann.
daveweigel daveweigel
"Under President Bachmann, Americans can buy any lightbulb they want." Dude next to me: "FREEDOM!" #RO11
daveweigel daveweigel
Bachmann's combo of currency/debt panic (the price of gold!) and left-wing "save Medicare" talk. http://slate.me/jHOPc9
MelissaTweets Melissa Clouthier
In the past ten years, Congress has raised the debt ceiling 10 times. Michele Bachmann has voted against it 10x. #ro11
MelissaTweets Melissa Clouthier
As President of the United States, I will not rest until we repeal Obamacare-- Michele Bachmann #ro11
MelissaTweets Melissa Clouthier
Standing O for Michele Bachmann saying that she was the first member of Congress to put up legislation to repeal Obamacare. #ro11