#republican #democrat #gop #politics #president #election #joblessMitt Romney Jokes He's 'Unemployed,' Sparking Outrage associatedcontent.com/article/815521…
Seven Republican Dwarfs bit.ly/jCbp4B Robert Scheer, Truthdig #candidates #Republicans #sevendwarfs #debate #GOP #Romney #election
Romney says he feels the unemployed's pain reportergary.com/2011/06/romney… #romney #gop #potus #election #unemployment #jobs #economy
Has #MSM fixated on #Romney to mock day to day #campaign?awesomecapital.com #GOP #election #hcr tinyurl.com/6ecwfmp
#election A day of awkwardness with Mitt Romneyhttp://bit.ly/lVnB2t #2012 #politics
#politics #republican #romney #election #democrat #vote #gop #president In Debate, Pawlenty Flounders on 'Obamneycare'http://yhoo.it/lU1WqO
Log Cabin Republicans blast GOP candidates on DADTreportergary.com/2011/06/log-ca… #logcabinrepublicans #romney #dot #gop #election #potus
Bachmann begins with high recognitionreportergary.com/2011/06/bachma… #bachamann #gallup #romney #gop #election #potus
Les espoirs du camp républicain pour la présidentielle de 2012: Alors que l'élection présidentielle a... http://bit.ly/jx5pjP #élection
Poll: Romney builds modest lead in 2012 race : http://is.gd/1BjCsf(news tracking by Utah News Clips) #election