Friday, July 15, 2011

Review Week, Misrata Zlitan Gharyan Tripoli Asab'aa Zintan Gualish and now back to Brega and maybe Ras Lanuf

Libya rebels breach Brega: rom the north, then pulled back 4km N, 73 wounded

@Newschecker1everywhereLibya rebels breach #Brega: spokesman…#feb17 #libyaLibya rebels breach Brega: spokesman Agence France-Presse Posted at 07/16/2011 7:23 AM | Updated as of 07/16/2011 7:23 AMMohammed Zawi, a spokesman for the rebel army, told AFP a group of reconn
Jul 15

30 nations have declared that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's regime is no longer legitimate.

@NewsInLibyaNews in LibyaGadhafi regime declared no longer legitimate: ISTANBUL (AP) — More than 30 nations have declared that Libyan leader... ISTANBUL (AP) -- More than 30 nations have declared that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's regime is no longer legitimate. The nations, in
Jul 15

Clashes are continuing in three areas, & revolutionaries have burned the headquarters of the city's Homeland Security

@EndTyranny101Ahmed Sanalla#Tarhuna: Reports of clashes between FF & #Gaddafi forces in number of areas.
Jul 14

Libyan rebels consolidating their positions in west near Al-Assabaa, strategic town 80 km south of Tripoli

@marketerspointMarketers PointLibya: Libyan rebels consolidating their positions in west near Al-Assabaa, strategic town 80 km south of Tripoli rebels consolidating their positions in the west near Al-Assabaa, strategic town 80 km south of Tripoli, while preparing to launc
Jul 14

GHERYAN once protested for FF, but were shot at, now asked ot defend for G, Zliten hit with grad rockets

VIDEOs Anti-Gaddafi protestors in GHERYAN (Garyan) were met w/ live fire back in Feb@bint_tarhounaFree LibyiaAnti-Gaddafi protestors in GHERYAN (feb/march) they are met w/ live fire. #LibyaFlag this media YouTubeFlag this media YouTubeFlag this media YouTube8 mi
Jul 14

Qualeesh New battle lines are drawn since yesterday, map before and after G-forces push east

@ChangeInLibyaMhalwesQualeesh: BREAKING: Gaddafi forces are bombarding Qualeesh & FF are returning fire / NATO jets can be clearly heard near Cabao #libya #feb17 Now Nafousa Mountains: Reports that Qawalish has been retaken by #Gaddafi forces FF were ambushed as they tried to advance forward Yesterd
Jul 13

July in Review - Map Misrata Zlitan Gharyan Tripoli Asab'aa Zintan Gualish, Nati intensifies raids

Map Misrata- Freedom fighters at western front near Zliten managed to seize 2 BMP tanks & one 106mm RCLR after Gdfi forces fled@ChangeInLibyaMhalwesMISRATA: BREAKING: Freedom fighters at western front near Zliten managed to seize 2 BMP tanks & one 106mm RCLR after Gdfi forces fled #libyaBenedictMPWh
Jul 12

Map Garyan

@hominoid555russell renshawLibya NATO bombing in…via @youtube note the joy of the people !!Flag this media  YouTube2 hours ago via Tweet ButtonFavorite Retweet Reply Skeptical4 Skeptic  #Nafusa FFs try 2 close off supply routes from the S to #Tripolithrough #Gha
Jul 11

Maps of KIKLA ithe FRONT Line Report from Libyan rebels outlining their plans to attack Tripoli, 5 Grads landed near the kikla... tonight

@opLibyaOperationLibyaUpdate: #OpLibya « » Via: libyanproudlibyanandproud #Nafusa : #Kikla : 5 Grads landed near the kikla... #libya #feb17 @FromJoanneJoanne@grafixel Slightly se of Kikla get the last Nafusa situation map from @4Adam set it as yr background then u can check it in
Jul 10

Map Asabeah

@perfectslidersperfectslidersasabeah-map-July- 8 Asabeah battle yesterday, still control by GF, according to Zintan Council this media  Flickr bentbenghazi76 somaia  @ @KhiriaElf Alasaba is located in the western mountain,about 120 kmfrom Tripoli.
Jul 8

Benghazi and Misratah rally, US stops effort to prohibit funds for Libya, Very moving Dutch report

Very moving Dutch report from Nafusa English translation and the kids are Sooo Cute :)@FromJoanneJoanneFound this very moving : Dutch report from Nafusa English translation and the kids are Sooo Cute :) #Libya----------------- video Translation ---------------------------Narration: “Dri
Jul 7

FF are close enouight to Tripoli, o get a mobile phone signal and speak to their families still in Tripoli.

@gaddafDOTlyGaddaf.lyRT @PeterClifford1 #Libya.
Jul 6

Video Zintan

@MideastChannelMideastChannelR/T @EANewsFeed Report from #Zintan, where rebels push east. #Misrata rebels push towards #Zlitan #Libya #Arabspring3 hours ago via web 1838 GMT: We've received many reports today of new Grad rocket and artillery attacks against the city of Misurata, Liby