Sunday, April 29, 2012

#Canada closes visa section in Tehran embassy, cost cutting that will affect thousands of Iranians

AFP  -  7:40 AM
TEHRAN — Canada's embassy in Tehran said on Sunday it has closed its visa section effective immediately as a cost-cutting measure that will affect thousands of Iranians. Visa services for Iran have been transferred to the Canadian embassy in Ankara, the capital of neighbouring Turkey, ...
Marco Rubio, once darling of the Tea Party, turns out to be just another neocon


"I always start," said Rubio, "by reminding people that what happens all over the world is our business. ... The security of our cities is connected to the security of small hamlets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia."

This is not a bold new idea. It is an old cliche. We must fight them over there so we do not...
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Tomorrow's Man – or Yesterday's by Patrick J. Buchanan »
Among the GOP victories in 2010, none was sweeter than that of Marco Rubio. The charismatic young Cuban-American challenged Gov. Charlie Crist in a Senate primary, ran him out of the party and swept t...