Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why is the status of Islam so different in modern #Turkey and #Iran?

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Chris Sedlmair

Apr 26, 2012  -    -  Public
A Subscriber sent in some military observations - from the Gulf to Europe - the menace of military build-up is everywhere. ... PREPARATIONS FOR A WAR The US, Israel and Greece launched an air naval exercise in the Mediterranean Thursday, March 29. Codenamed "Noble Dina," within Crete and including the waters off of Turkey, Cyprus, and Israeli Navy bases in Haifa and Ashdod. American, Israeli and Greek fleets are being supported by the British Royal Navy flotilla cruising around the Straits of Gibraltar. Rumours have it that the exercise is led by the US Sixth Fleet . As soon as it is over, possibly at the end of April, this aircraft carrier and strike group will head through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, raising the number of US aircraft carriers facing Iran to three. Israel contributed missile ships, submarines, fighter jets and assault helicopters to the drill. As this drill is launched Russia has started to surround Syria with it's warships to prevent any attack on Syria . Also in the recent US-backed "Friends of Syria" meeting in Istanbul Saudi Arabia and Qatar confirmed they will financially assist the rebels. Russia has viewed it as a further step towards Arab meddling in the region. Meanwhile 200 American and Arab Gulf fighter-bombers thundered overhead Sunday, April 8 at the outset of the biggest air force exercise ever conducted in the Gulf region. An operation for reopening the strategic Straits of Hormuz if it is closed by Iran which is busy building a naval base there. 100 of the warplanes took off from the USS Enterprise and USS Abraham Lincoln, training was also with Saudi, UAE, Kuwaiti and Bahraini air forces. The drill was conducted mainly around the US Fifth Fleet High Command base in Bahrain and around the Gulf. Russia is building a radar station in the Armenian mountains to counter the US radar set up at the Turkish Kurecik air base. This system sends a warning to the US not to strike Iran. The Turkish station will trade data on incoming Iranian missiles with the US station in the Israeli Negev, the Russian station in Armenia will share input with Tehran. The Russian army has deployed S-400 surface-to-air missiles into Kaliningrad, the Baltic enclave bordered by Poland and Lithuania as a response to US plans for an anti-Iran missile shield system in Europe and the Middle East. Looks like the future is going to be not peaceful and will get worse.
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