Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Syria casts doubt on fragile ceasefire will stop terrorist groups, monitors head to Syria as fighting rages

David Lloyd11:07 AM  -    -  Public
Syria is going to light the 'touch paper' of who knows what....!
Syria casts doubt on fragile ceasefire by saying it will stop terrorist groups from killing civilians - @Reuters »
Syria casts doubt on fragile ceasefire by saying it will stop terrorist groups from killing civilians - @Reuters
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Will Syria’s sectarian divisions spill over into Turkey?
Soner Cagaptay: Will Syria’s Sectarian Divisions Spill Over Into Turkey? | The New Republic »
Observers of the growing humanitarian crisis in Syria are increasingly worried that the conflict will turn into sectarian struggle, and with good reason: The Assad regime has enjoyed overwhelming supp...
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From the web
Syrian city of Homs shelled as advance UN team of observers heads to Damascus to reinforce Annan's six-point peace plan.