Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Syria’s Sectarian Divisions Spill Over Into Turkey? | The New Republic » conflict will turn into sectarian struggle

Will Syria’s sectarian divisions spill over into Turkey?
Soner Cagaptay: Will Syria’s Sectarian Divisions Spill Over Into Turkey? | The New Republic »
Observers of the growing humanitarian crisis in Syria are increasingly worried that the conflict will turn into sectarian struggle, and with good reason: The Assad regime has enjoyed overwhelming supp...
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Susan Stone10:55 AM  -    -  Public
UN monitors head to Syria as fighting rages »
Syrian city of Homs shelled as advance UN team of observers heads to Damascus to reinforce Annan's six-point peace plan. 
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Image: Pictured is "Gay Girl in Damascus." Far from an editorial oversight, "Gay Girl in Damascus" was in reality a 40 year-old American man living in the UK. The Western media shamelessly exploited his narrative until it unraveled, and simply moved on to other actors, like "Danny" who directs fake gunfire off-camera while giving casualty reports to CNN. CIA asset Gloria Steinem's new "Women Under Siege - Documenting Sexualized Violence in Syria" map makes a nice fit for the constant din of lies and fabrications coming out of the West in its pursuit of dividing and destroying Syria.
Faux-Feminist's Ridiculous "Women Under Siege" Syria Map »
CIA Asset Gloria Steinem's "Women Under Siege" Joins Syrian Propaganda Campaign. by Tony Cartalucci April 14, 2012 - Ironically, faux-feminist Gloria Steinem's "Women Under Sieg...
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Robby Ball10:52 AM  -    -  Public
#Sunday: #Syria UN to vote Saturday on observers for Syria »
AP UNITED NATIONS - The UN Security Council has scheduled a vote on a resolution authorizing the deployment of the first wave of UN military observers to monitor a cease-fire between the Syrian govern..