Monday, April 16, 2012

#Syria slips back into violence As six members of a United Nations monitoring mission began setting up an operations HQ

Daniel Oglesby8:24 PM  -    -  Public
Syria slips back into violence as U.N. monitors go to work »
As six members of a United Nations monitoring mission began setting up an operations headquarters and reaching out to both sides of the Syrian conflict Monday, the violence continued to slip toward th...
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Robby Ball8:20 PM  -    -  Public
#Monday: Why #Syria should matter to Americans - families, working and trying to keep up with everyday life, »
The news about Syria getting UN observers is intersting. I posted the following on serveral news websites (see: It is questionable if these observers will change the ou...
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Robby Ball8:17 PM  -    -  Public
#Monday: Video #Syria you are not alone, amazing heartfelt video about Syria »
The children of Syria have become victims of violence, torture, and killings by the Assad regime. With thousands of children killed, wounded, detained, or left without family, THE WORLD MUST KNOW abou...
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From the web
BEIRUT –- As six members of a United Nations monitoring mission began setting up an operations headquarters and reaching out to both sides of the Syrian conflict Monday, the violence continued to slip toward the level it had been before a cease-fire began Thursday.