Monday, May 21, 2012

Bewitched Theme Song


Uploaded by  on Jun 9, 2006
opening intro to Bewitched
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Uploader Comments ( njlee8785 )

  • how come the theme song gets cut off at the end?
  • this version of the theme song when it originally aired back in the 1968-1969 season, was a sponsored theme. Normally sponsored by Kodak, the announcer would come in at the part that is cut off in this opening when it went into syndication. There is a video of it uploaded in its entirety with the sponsor tag as well.

Top Comments

  • I would rather have a wooden box than a flat-screen any day, even though I'm a young kid. 60's kids had it all: real music, records, The Munsters, Bewitched, The Addams Family, Jeannie, The Flintstones, and much, much more!
    In fact, at my house all of the adults have cell phones(I don't want one) and they have to tell ME to keep up with the times. It's hilarious!
  • He's right though because in the 60s everything really was more simple and laid back and it had it's downsides like every era but this particular decade was really optimistic and joyful. We weren't in debt and the economy was booming. It was just a fun time to be in!