Saturday, May 12, 2012

Building #Libya's new media 'from a void, highly controlled press to one that has free

Tripoli, Libya - Going from being a country with a highly controlled press to one that has free, independent and functioning media in roughly a year is a tall order. This is true even for Libyans, who, last year, did what seemed impossible, and freed their nation from Muammar Gaddafi's iron grip ...

Eddy Goris

10:00 AM  -  Public
ribelli(mercenari NATO)distruggono cimitero in Libya NATO-Alqaeda rebels destroy christian Grabschändung durch Moslems an Christlichen und Jüdichen Gräbern
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Sam smith

8:24 AM  -  Public
The media is FAKE. Live videos from Libya FAKE, various conflicts "live" FAKE »
Things are staged to make things look worse than they actually are. The only thing I wonder. Is, why?
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