Saturday, May 12, 2012

Outside media changing N. #Korea worldview forced it to admit rocket launch last month was a failure,

Robby Ball

12:16 PM  -  Public
#May12: #North #Korea Jamming GPS Signals In South Korea - Slashdot » »
North Korea Jamming GPS Signals In South Korea - Slashdot ». Fluffeh writes "North Korea has been looking for new and inventive ways to mess with South Korea. It seems that their missile launch f...
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yome korea

12:13 PM  -  Public
Brian McKnight "Fall 5.0"
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From the web
MATTHEW PENNINGTON, AP WASHINGTON (AP) — The growing availability of news media and cellphones in reclusive North Korea likely forced it to admit within hours that its long-range rocket launch last month was a failure, the US human rights envoy to the country said Thursday.
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