#ACA #Obamacare #Health
This is a factual document. Please share. People need to know the truth - not the lies spread by the likes of #FauxNews There are no death panels. Obamacare will lower costs and other burdens for everyone.
This is a factual document. Please share. People need to know the truth - not the lies spread by the likes of #FauxNews There are no death panels. Obamacare will lower costs and other burdens for everyone.
Trevor Hughes11:54 AM
So those that cannot afford to get health insurance gets hit with fines for it throwing them farther under the poverty line. Yea this sounds like a great idea. Government needs to get out of individual lives.
Rima Regas11:56 AM
+Trevor Hughes You should read this before making comments of that nature. The whole tax/fine thing is very clearly spelled out in the law and the government was not given the authority to prosecute or collect funds.
Jason Ansaldo12:02 PM
Collapse this commentThere are a few situations here.
Those that cannot afford it based on household income get discounts to allow them to afford it.
Those above the limit but still cannot afford it then fall under the fee/tax (Technically it is a tax based on how it was passed)
Those who just don't want it get the tax
Those over 100,000 a year also get a tax increase outside of everything else.
Trying not to take a side overall but I am having issues understanding why people see this as a bad thing. Our taxes as they are now go to pay for people who cannot afford health insurance. In this plan those people will get the insurance, or have to pay into the system as a tax.
Those that cannot afford it based on household income get discounts to allow them to afford it.
Those above the limit but still cannot afford it then fall under the fee/tax (Technically it is a tax based on how it was passed)
Those who just don't want it get the tax
Those over 100,000 a year also get a tax increase outside of everything else.
Trying not to take a side overall but I am having issues understanding why people see this as a bad thing. Our taxes as they are now go to pay for people who cannot afford health insurance. In this plan those people will get the insurance, or have to pay into the system as a tax.
Rima Regas12:05 PM
+Jason Ansaldo It's way more expensive to pay for uninsured people's visits to the ER. That's a no-brainer. We all go to the doctor at one point or another in our lives. We all get sick. We all need to see dentists from early childhood.
Jason Ansaldo12:12 PM
That is my thought as well. We eat the cost ether way, but with this plan it is handled more efficiently and visible. Rather than an unnamed property tax hike or cut in police services.
But I would really like to understand the other point of view. Preferably without screams about Socialism and people moving to Canada.
But I would really like to understand the other point of view. Preferably without screams about Socialism and people moving to Canada.
Rima Regas12:21 PM
+Jason Ansaldo I think the answer to your last question lies in how the neurons are wired...
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Rima Regas12:28 PM - Reply
+Trevor Hughes We all need medical care at different times in our lives - all of us. When we buy it together, costs go down. When we each do our own things, it's a lot more expensive and all too many don't have access. That $695 is a far cry from the cost health insurance would be, without the ACA. So, yes, the tax does go up on one end of the taxation curve, and then it goes way down on state taxes because they will no longer have to support hospitals in the billions for non-paying customers. That's where we all come out way ahead.