Friday, June 29, 2012 You don't need to donate any money, but YOU CAN sign the petition to repeal Obamacare

You don't need to donate any money, but YOU CAN sign the petition to repeal Obamacare. Like, share, do whatever it takes to repeal Obamacare so that we can take control of our own country! #obamacare #healthcare #repealobamacare  
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We won't wait for Obama's "ambush" at the Supreme Court. The American people have demanded ObamaCare be repealed. We've delivered 1.6 million petitions. Now it's time for a new Senate vote. We'll take...
Hacim Llih12:40 PM (edited)
Note +Robert Karlsson how the only '+1' thus far is the poster himself?#SnickersNwinks #Obama2012 #ObamacareUpheld #WallStreetGreed +#OnePercenterSheeple = #USAfail !!

Wow "_..1.6 million petitions.._" delivered eh me miss-guided lad? And how do you imagine this is representative of hundreds of millions of US citizens again pray tell?
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