Sunday: I feel an anxious anticipation.#Egypt may your future be bright as the smiles in #Tahrir today :D #Tahrir
Sunday: #Beautiful India Gate #ssum Silhouette

Sunday: Sacred Sunday.... 'The Caher' at Glendalough. This stone enclosure is though to date from the C11th


Sunday: #Kissofdeath According to Gallup, 56 percent OF DEMOCRATS believe Obamacare is unconstitutional

Sunday: Turkey has admitted the plane strayed into Syrian territory

Sunday: #Beautiful Humming love songs accompanied by a cacophony of trumpets
Sunday: An arrow of light on the lake. What does say to you? ... Belmont Harbor, Lake Michigan, Chicago, IL.

Sunday: New Hoover Dam bridge is beautiful but also, scary as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. I wouldnt cross it

Sunday: Iran Nuclear Facilities 'Under Massive Cyber Attack'TechWeekEurope UK