Sunday: #Egypt Morsi Declaired winner

Sunday: I feel an anxious anticipation.#Egypt may your future be bright as the smiles in #Tahrir today :D #Tahrir

Sunday: From #Plaid #Erdogan Turkey will announce its final position and take necessary steps with determination after the incident is entirely clarified.
Sunday: #Beautiful India Gate #ssum Silhouette

Sunday: Sacred Sunday.... 'The Caher' at Glendalough. This stone enclosure is though to date from the C11th

Sunday: New Hoover Dam bridge is beautiful but also, scary as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. I wouldnt cross it

Sunday: #Kissofdeath According to Gallup, 56 percent OF DEMOCRATS believe Obamacare is unconstitutional

Sunday: Map #Turkey #Latakia locates wreckage of downed plane wreckage at sea of an F4 fighter plane #Syria

Sunday: Map #Damascus Turkey called for a NATO meeting, stark warning to #Syria on Sunday

Sunday: Video #Free #Syria Army Captures Assad Tank in Aleppo Countryside Friday

Sunday: Map #Syria $Turkey Wreckage of downed Turkish fighter jet found in the Mediterranean at a depth of 1,000 meters.

Saturday: Good Old Fashioned Pancakes

Saturday: #Turkey Turkish jet 'missing' near #Syria Tension may start rising on the Turkish/Syrian border

Saturday: Chemical analysis of pottery reveals first dairying in Saharan Africa in thefifth millennium BC

Saturday: Confirmed #AJE #Mubarak still alive but on respirator according to security sources, family members & lawyers #Egypt

Erdogan leaves Syrian apology for shooting down Turkish jet unconfirmed — RT

Jun22: #Egypt protest over military rule » military blames Muslim Brotherhood for woes

Jun22: Thousands of flag-waving protesters filled Cairo's Tahrir Square Egypt's presidential trying to steal an election

Jun22: #Nascar DALE EARNHARDT JR WINS MICHIGAN!!!! Ends the long long winless streak (4 Years, to the day!).
Jun22: 2012 Laureate - The World Food Prize - Improving the Quality, Quantity and Availability of Food in the World
Jun22: Foreign Secretary William Hague has welcomed an EU move to stop Syria's crackdown

Jun22: #Egypt A medical source: Mubarak began responding to treatment and health tends to stabilize

Jun22: US, S. Korea war games called warning to North Provocation? North Korean flag used in US-South Korea war games »
Jun22: Libya From a Rainbow Point of View - The Hoax Must Go On ~> "Libya’s Troubled Transition"

Jun22: #Japan Fukushima Watch: Japan Mulls Referendum on Nuclear Power

Jun22: Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut, waves during a departure ceremony

Jun22: Three Ways You Can Be the Manager No One Wants to Leave

Jun22: Egypt anti-military protesters fill Tahrir Square, Tens of thousands of protesters

Jun22: Spain On Verge Of Civil War, Miners Have Nothing To Loose clashed with police in northern Spain,
Jun22: #Manchester #United Want to Invest in the World's Most Valuable Sports Team? Now You Can!

Sunday: OMG Finer Crossed , I am really confused whom to support xD #euro2012 #Football #soccer

Sunday: Turkey has admitted the plane strayed into Syrian territory

Sunday: Map #Syria Video pretending to show the shutdown of an american build #turkey F4 #jet #Latakia beach
Sunday: An arrow of light on the lake. What does say to you? ... Belmont Harbor, Lake Michigan, Chicago, IL.


Sunday: Iran Nuclear Facilities 'Under Massive Cyber Attack'TechWeekEurope UK

Sunday: Texas unprepared for a positive Supreme Court’s ruling on Affordable Care Act

Sunday: Any moment now #Egypt will announce the results of the final round of its first election

Sunday: #Syria Turkey politicians branded the downing of the plane an “act of war” Turkey and the Syrian people

Sunday: Roman jewellery found in ancient Japan tomb, glass beads discovered in the Fifth Century
Sunday: Ankara calls for NATO meeting over downed plane by Syria on Friday

Saturday: Supreme Court throws out TV cursing sanctions, TV Indecency Rules Were Too Vague

Saturday: Video #Syria - Scores Wounded in Rastan as Assad Bombs City, Freedom Fighters Ambush Assad in #Aleppo

Saturday: FROM #Amid #Yousef Syrians View Of The Events and the TRUTH In Syria as I see it.

Saturday: No wonder Greece won

Saturday: Turkey was weighing its response Saturday to the shooting-down by Syria of one of its planes

Saturday: Sandusky found guilty of 45 of 48 counts of sex abuse against 10 boys he allegedly groomed

Jun22: Maid rental, smuggling becomes rampant in Saudi Arabia
Jun22: 21 Habits of Happy Peoplem Happiness is a habit – cultivate it

Jun22: Worried U.S. tells #Egypt's military to cede power or risk losing billions of dollars in U.S. military and economic aid

Jun22: Britain stops Russian ship, Obama and Putin seek #Syria peace, Turkey asks UN to take tougher measures

Jun22: Gen Shaheen denies Mubarak clinically dead Mubarak still alive but on respirator confirmed by #AJE sources

Jun22: Is the Russia, China, Iran plan to stage in Syria “ the maneuver to attack the Israel ?
Jun22: #Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack #Obama Does Not Want You To See

Jun22: #Syria says it shot down Turkish air force jet, cross-border shooting was clearly hostile

Jun22: #China The mysterious and cavernous egg... This is great,