Romney Leads Obama in Early Voting 52% to 45% — “Reagan Excitement Level”
We are going to win one week from today!
Listening to Stephanie Desperation Cutter and David Panic Axelrod from the Sunday talk shows would have us all believe that President Obama has all but won this election. Cutter and Axelrod seem to be deeper encapsulated in the bubble than President Obama! Ms. Cutter is straining so hard to tow the line for Mr. Obama that she has lost all credibility (she blew by Axelrod after the first debate when she declared Obama the winner! Classic!). Even the TV pundits strain to help her out as she obviously believes her own advertising now (she talks and blinks faster every time she is on TV these days and I don’t think it is the caffeine). Stephanie Cutter obviously loves her White House job!

Mitt Romney helping in the kitchen / A favorite photo of the author (Photo courtesy of the Matt Romney family)
Remember, Senator Obama beat Senator McCain by only six points in 2008; that’s it! Six points! And that was during a year when everything was going his way; with the wind to his back and atmospheric expectations. After all, promises were in abundance fueled by the dreamy platitudes, faith in the future, and hope beyond hyperbole. Change for all!
There are so many variables and factors at play in 2012 that could make a huge difference in the final election results. Consider these: Obama got 95% of all African American votes; what if the same number of black voters turn out but only 80% or 70% vote for him? (see African American Bishop Jackson’s plea here). Many first time young voters that supported Obama in 2008 have been completely disillusioned by his many failures; what if 40% of these just don’t show up in 2012 or decide to take action for Romney? Remember the women voters? Obama told us all year he had them locked up and was leading by 20 to 35 points by some estimates; now Romney and Obama are tied with the women vote. What if 3, 5, or 9 percent of all Obama voters of 2008 just decide to stay home this election? Obama got a high percentage of the Jewish vote in 2008; what if the Jewish vote is split evenly this time? There are many other variables we could explore. I think we are going to see some big surprises this year.
Fact: More Republicans will vote in 2012 than in 2008. Yesterday, Gallup reported that Romney leads Obama in early voting 52% to 45%. Breitbart writer John Nolte writes:
Romney’s early voting lead in Gallup may not jive with the CorruptMedia narrative, but it does with actual early vote totals that have been released and show Romney’s early vote totals either beating Obama in swing states such as Colorado and Florida or chipping away at the President’s advantage in the others. For example, here’s what we know about Ohio’s early voting numbers, thus far [from Politico]:But here is what we do know: 220,000 fewer Democrats have voted early in Ohio compared with 2008. And 30,000 more Republicans have cast their ballots compared with four years ago. That is a 250,000-vote net increase for a state Obama won by 260,000 votes in 2008.
Other than the fact that this is Gallup, another reason to embrace this poll is due to its very large sample size of 3,312 registered voters.
Ronald Reagan’s Treasury secretary, Bay Buchanan yesterday compared the look and feel of Romney’s 2012 campaign to that of the Reagan 1980 campaign:
“The intensity level is remarkable,” says Buchanan, who was also the treasurer of Reagan’s presidential primary campaigns in 1976 and 1980 and national treasurer of Reagan’s general election presidential campaigns in 1980 and in 1984.“It’s not only showing up in the polls, but if you go out in the states as I have, in Florida and in Wisconsin, the excitement level is something that I haven’t seen since Reagan,” she says.At a rally in Colorado, “The forum sat 10,000 people and 10,000 people packed in there and they had to turn people away,” Buchanan says. “In Leesburg, Va., there were 8,000 people in the line to get in, and it was a mile long down into the main part of town.”Buchanan says Romney’s campaign has become a movement.
As a result, “From my personal experience, the excitement and enthusiasm of our supporters is equal to what I saw during Ronald Reagan’s first campaign,” Buchanan says. “We’re now a movement to change America, and Mitt Romney heads it up.”
Finally, how much influence do Israeli citizens have with the Jewish voter here in America? I have no idea, but consider the fact that 57% of Israelis prefer Romney to 22% that preferObama:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney leads President Barack Obama by a whopping 35 percentage points among Israeli Jews when it comes to who they think will best look out for Israel’s interests, according to a new poll from Tel Aviv University/Israel Democracy Institute.
Rarely have I given my opinion here in MRC about polling or surveys. The reason being that statistics can be manipulated in so many diverse ways and unless one is willing to become an expert analyst he will just be manipulated. That said, I think we should completely ignore all polls in this last stretch of seven days, no matter how positive they may be. Governor Romney is bringing it. We need to work harder than we have ever worked to bring it in our neck of the woods.
[emphasis added above]
American Values: “In God We Trust” — “Liberty” — “E Pluribus Unum”
Twitter Follow: @VicLundquist – Dedicated to all members of The United States military and their families