Monday, March 19, 2012

#Russia has an ambitious plan to get a man to the moon

Antony Jackson's profile photo
Antony Jackson  -  12:12 PM  -    -  Public
Russia has an ambitious plan to get a man to the moon within 60 years of Neil Armstrong's achievement.

If they wait a couple of decades longer there won't be any living memories of the moon landing and they can claim the achievement as their own.

Russia will send a team of cosmonauts to the Moon, 60 years after Neil Armstrong’s Apollo mission effectively ended the US-Soviet space race.
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João Rita's profile photo
João Rita  -  Yay! Another space race! Maybe now we see moar ships going up?
12:19 PM   
Juan Pablo Aldana's profile photo
Juan Pablo Aldana  -  China will land before...
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